Very interesting parable, to be sure. Yes, the special section of Luke has great parables that do not appear in the other gospels. My personal favorite is the Unjust Steward.

Is God's kingdom a hierarchy of control, with God at the top of angels and then humans? Some theologians (Michael Heiser for example) claim that this is what Jews of the Second Temple era believed Heaven to be. And it is what the Romans (Constantine, Augustine, et al) wanted Christianity to be, a hierarchy of control with the Pope at the top.

But IMO Christ came to change many things, and one was that idea of a God in control of a dictatorship. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Jesus was the servant of many. God's realm is not about control. Just saying.

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I will respectfully disagree; I think service and control are bound together strongly. God-as-dictator is bound to serve those He rules; but He still rules

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